Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chinese media pick up on Harper-Chretien war of words over Olympics

By The Canadian Press

BEIJING - Chinese media have picked up on the war of words this week between Jean Chretien and Stephen Harper over the prime minister's decision to skip the opening ceremonies of the Summer Games in Beijing.

The story was teased on the front page of the English-language China Daily under the headline "Canada PM Flayed for Skipping Day 1" and was also featured on about a dozen Chinese news websites and various blogs on Wednesday.

Most stories ran with the headline: "Former Prime Minister Chretien Strongly Criticizes Current Prime Minister Harper for Not Attending Olympics: Will Pay Heavy Price."

Harper said Tuesday that Chretien was being a hypocritical for attacking him since the former Liberal prime minister only went to one Olympics during his time in power.

Chretien warned Monday that Canada could end up paying a hefty toll for Harper's decision not to go to China, the world's second-largest and fastest-growing economy.

Chretien, who was known during his time in office for keeping strong ties with China, has said he wouldn't have thought twice about attending the opening ceremonies.

Chretien said relations between the two countries have deteriorated since the Conservatives came to power.

Harper has long insisted his decision to stay away from the Games had nothing to do with politics, but rather with a scheduling conflict.

Canada was represented at opening ceremonies on Aug. 8 by Foreign Affairs Minister David Emerson. Secretary of State for Sport Helena Guergis and B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell also attended.

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