Saturday, February 16, 2008

Save Windows XP! The clock is ticking...

Microsoft will end OEM and
shrink-wrapped sales of Windows XP on June 30, 2008,
forcing users to shift to Vista. Don't let that happen!


Millions of us have grown comfortable with XP and
don't see a need to change to Vista.
It's like having a comfortable apartment that you've enjoyed coming home to for years, only to get an eviction notice.
That's exactly the conclusion people have come to with Vista.
For most of us, there's really no reason to move to it --
yet we don't have a choice.
When that strong desire to stick with XP became obvious in spring 2007,
major computer makers such as Dell and Hewlett-Packard quietly reintroduced new XP-based systems (but just to business customers, so as not to offend Microsoft). Come June 30, however, even that option goes away.

So what to do?
Let Microsoft decide where your personal and enterprise software "lives"?
Or send a loud and clear message that you don't want to move?

We're going for the loud-and-clear option.
Join us, and tell Microsoft that you want to keep XP available indefinitely.
Not for another six months or a year but indefinitely.

And ask your friends and colleagues to join in, too.
Just point them to for a quick link to this page. And if you'd like to publish the countdown animation on your Web site to help promote this petition, e-mail INFOWORLD'S Executive Editor for the code snippet.

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